The Greek philosopher Heraclitus of Ephesus is credited with the observation: “The only constant is change”. Societies evolve and change; it is inevitable. As collectors, we are concerned with studying and preserving historic artifacts of the past, but we are doing that within a modern culture that is now many generations removed from the heroes who defeated Nazi Germany. Artifacts that were once universally understood to represent their souvenirs of a defeated foe are now liable to be regarded with fear and suspicion, assumed to be regalia marketed to racists and bigots, and mere possession of such things is considered by many to be an outward sign of callous disrespect for the millions of innocent victims of the Third Reich’s racially-motivated atrocities and military campaigns.
As collectors and historians, we play an important role in the system which ensures that historic artifacts survive to illustrate our past, triumphs and tragedies alike, for generations to come.
Collector shows where artifacts are exhibited, bought, and sold are a key component of this activity. Unfortunately, these are also quite vulnerable to genuine suspicion, alarm, and outrage when introduced to a public that includes a number of people completely unfamiliar with the practice of collecting historic military artifacts.
To help prevent such misunderstandings, the Greater New Orleans Militaria Show (GNOMS) has adopted the long-standing rules originally introduced at the MAX Show many years ago by request of the venue and built on those with new regulations as appropriate to underscore the fact that collecting is a historical pursuit, not a political activity. Our goal is to properly place Third Reich items in particular within a historical context as souvenirs of a defeated foe and avoid situations where the display of these items could be misinterpreted as glorification.
The GNOMS is a show strictly dedicated to Military Antiques and Military Collectables, AKA “Militaria.” Therefore, we are NOT A GUN SHOW and NEVER intend to be. Therefore NO modern firearms are allowed to be sold by dealers at this show. We DO ALLOW the sale of firearms classified as Curios and Relics (C&R) and Antiques (1898 & Prior) by the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco & Firearms. It is not mandatory, but we ask that dealers try to make sure as many of their vintage weapon as possible are military in origin. We DO NOT allow the sale of reloaded ammunition, reloading equipment, black powder, smokeless powder or Pyrodex at this show. All modern ammunition must be of a caliber utilized by a military force at some period in history and must remain in the original packaging. Vintage, Collectable or Unusual Ammunition does not have to remain in the original packaging. For Example: Burnside Carbine Cartridge in a Riker Mount. We work very closely with the BATF to insure all rules are followed and we invite them to our show every year.
These rules do not exist to hinder your hobby of collecting original historical militaria – but to protect it. As a GNOMS dealer or public guest, your cooperation with these rules is sincerely appreciated and mandatory. Failure to abide by any of these rules / policies can result in your being escorted from the show.
These Rules Will Be STRICTLY Enforced at the Greater New Orleans Militaria Show.
1.] GERMAN WWII FLAGS: No original flag, armband, pennant, or banner of any kind which contains a swastika emblem may be displayed on a pole, rack, cross pole, or by hanging it on a wall. Original German WWII flags may be displayed flat on a table.
2.] MODERN REPLICA ITEMS: ABSOLUTELY NO modern replica of any item which includes the swastika emblem or Confederate battle flag is permitted to be exhibited or sold at the GNOMS regardless of the intent or purpose of the item.
3.] ADOLF HITLER BUSTS & ARTWORK: Busts and statues of Adolf Hitler may not be displayed upright and must be laid flat on the table. Original period paintings, prints, posters, etc. which feature Adolf Hitler, but might be subject to damage if laid flat can be displayed upright with the face of the subject covered (we suggest a cloth, towel, etc., but not anything with an adhesive backing that would damage the artifact.)
4.] UNIFORMS WITH SWASTIKA ARMBANDS: German WWII military and political uniforms that have as part of their insignia a swastika armband MAY BE displayed on a mannequin, half mannequin, dummy, and rack, or hung on a wall. However, the armband MUST BE COVERED! They may be displayed flat on a table without the armband covered if you so choose. As with artwork, if damage is a concern, they may be displayed upright in a fitting manner if the insignia is completely covered.
5.] WEAR OF GERMAN WWII EMBLEMS: Participants, Dealers & Members of the Visiting Public may NOT wear uniforms or clothing that display a swastika emblem. We realize that some of you are WWII reenactors whose wear of these items is part of your living history activities. This is completely in context at a WWII reenactment, but NOT at the GNOMS. This rule also applies to WWII theme modern clothing (hats, t-shirts, etc.) that might include swastikas. Anyone wearing such a garment will be asked to remove it. If they do not, they are subject to being escorted from the Castine Center as well as any property regulated by Pelican Park.
6.] KU KLUX KLAN MEMORABILIA: The sale, display and wearing of Ku Klux Klan (KKK) memorabilia, both historic and/or modern, is ABSOLUTELY PROHIBITED! This WILL result in IMMEDIATE expulsion by law enforcement from the GNOMS.
7.] EXTREMIST POLITICAL GROUPS: The emblems, uniforms, and propaganda of actual modern extremist or “hate” groups are forbidden to be sold, displayed, or worn at the GNOMS. This includes, but is not limited to, groups such as the Aryan Nation, the Black Panther Party, neo-Nazis, ANTIFA, the KKK, the Anarchist movement, racial or religious supremacists and any other group the promoters of the GNOMS deems not in the interest of the show.
8.] CONFEDERATE FLAGS: Any modern or reproduction Confederate flags, posters, patches or other items displaying this emblem may not be displayed or sold at the GNOMS. Historic, original Confederate flags from the American Civil War and their associated veteran organizations such as the United Confederate Veterans and the Sons or Daughters of the Confederacy MAY be sold and displayed without restriction.
9.] ANTI-SEMITIC & HOLOCAUST MATERIAL: The sale and display of all original historic items, artifacts, and propaganda, related to the Holocaust and anti-Semitism is especially vulnerable to extreme misunderstanding and is thus prohibited except as part of a pre-approved display in conjunction with or sponsored by a well-recognized Holocaust museum or related organization, and attended by abundantly clear signage placing it into proper context. Absolutely NO reproduction items related to the holocaust are allowed at the GNOMS. NO EXCEPTIONS!
10.] SITUATIONS NOT COVERED ABOVE: In addition to these rules, situations are bound to arise which might require an on-the-spot call by the promoters of the GNOMS. Dealers, participants and public guests are required to comply with any and all decisions made in regard to the show. The display, sale, or wear of any other items determined by the promoters of the GNOMS to not be in the best interest of the show are prohibited.
Cultural Norms and the Hypocrisy of Selective Outrage
As collectors and historians, we understand that emblems such as the Confederate battle flag have many different nuanced meanings to different people and that what it represents has evolved over time. Among our participants are good people who harbor nothing but love for their fellow man but also respect and honor their ancestors who picked up a musket and fought for their southern homes during the American Civil War. The association of this emblem with modern racism, fair or not (and to the apparent exclusion of other Confederate flags) is unsettling to them. Actions by some venues to ban it from their facilities were seen as very unfair, especially since at the same shows there were no restrictions placed on flags of such thoroughly evil regimes like Nazi Germany.
Similarly, members who collect WWII German items often express frustration with the fact that the people who are offended by GI souvenirs from Europe have no such feelings toward items from WWII Japan, the Soviet Union, North Vietnam, Revolutionary Cuba, the Roman Empire, or any of an endless list of historical regimes that inflicted incalculable death and misery on the innocents that got in their way. So why is a bust of Saddam Hussein, Stalin, or Mao just fine, but a bust of Hitler is cause for alarm? There is a long, complex answer for that, but for our purposes, it boils down to this: In our current culture, the one will get the Greater New Orleans Militaria Show SHUT DOWN permanently and the others will not. It really is just that simple. So, please help us to keep this show going as Trish and I go to exhaustive lengths to host it for all of all of you. This show benefits not just collectors and dealers of militaria, but also benefits our community in numerous ways. We work diligently to ensure that this show is an environment in which ALL original historic artifacts from ALL eras may be displayed, bought and sold in order to ensure their survival as pieces to illustrate HISTORY’S triumphs, tragedies and everything in between for future generations.
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Contact Information
P.O BOX 187
Dan: 985-707-8600
Old Patriot Militaria: 985-250-9102
Trish: 985-285-6283